Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7400, aired 2016-11-11LOOKING FOR ALASKA $400: In 1880 gold was found near this city that would later become Alaska's capital Juneau
#7400, aired 2016-11-11LOOKING FOR ALASKA $800: E.H. Harriman went on an expedition that discovered a new glacier & a new one of these Norwegian-style inlets a fjord
#7400, aired 2016-11-11LOOKING FOR ALASKA $1200: The first people came to Alaska some 15,000 years ago across what's called a "land" this a land bridge
#7400, aired 2016-11-11LOOKING FOR ALASKA $1600: Scientist William Dall charted the coastal features of this 1,100-mile island chain the Aleutians
#7400, aired 2016-11-11LOOKING FOR ALASKA $3,000 (Daily Double): In 1728 this Dane in Russia's navy made the first of 2 voyages to the North Pacific (Vitus) Bering

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