Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6211, aired 2011-09-26LOOK WHAT THE CAT SCAN DRAGGED IN $400: CAT scans use this type of electromagnetic radiation, albeit at low doses X-rays
#6211, aired 2011-09-26LOOK WHAT THE CAT SCAN DRAGGED IN $800: OK, Mom, you can stay while we give Timmy his CAT scan, but for safety wear an apron usually made from this metal lead
#6211, aired 2011-09-26LOOK WHAT THE CAT SCAN DRAGGED IN $1,200 (Daily Double): CAT stands for computerized this tomography, because it moves across the body's transverse plane axial
#6211, aired 2011-09-26LOOK WHAT THE CAT SCAN DRAGGED IN $1200: The scan process may include injecting you with contrast, a type of this 3-letter liquid similar to ink dye
#6211, aired 2011-09-26LOOK WHAT THE CAT SCAN DRAGGED IN $1600: Excuse me, madame, it's time to use the CAT scan to measure your bone mineral density to see if you have this 12-letter condition osteoporosis

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