Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#7544, aired 2017-06-01 | LONG NONSTOP FLIGHTS $400: Enjoy 15 nonstop hours of Cathay Pacific as you jet from Hong Kong to the New York City airport known by these 3 initials JFK |
#7544, aired 2017-06-01 | LONG NONSTOP FLIGHTS $800: G'day! & g'night! This carrier flies 8,600 miles & 15 1/2 hours between Sydney & Dallas Qantas |
#7544, aired 2017-06-01 | LONG NONSTOP FLIGHTS $1200: On Qatar Airways it's 8,000 miles between Doha & the Houston intercontinental airport named for this ex-president George Herbert Walker Bush |
#7544, aired 2017-06-01 | LONG NONSTOP FLIGHTS $1600: Singapore Air flew SQ21, a 9,500-mile, nearly 19-hour journey between the country & this New Jersey airport Newark |
#7544, aired 2017-06-01 | LONG NONSTOP FLIGHTS $2000: Emirates Airlines will pass you over 3 continents flying 16 hours from this skyscraper-laden city to Los Angeles Dubai |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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