Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8346, aired 2021-03-01LONDON MONOPOLY GEOGRAPHY $200: Selfridges department store is on this street that shares its name with a university Oxford
#8346, aired 2021-03-01LONDON MONOPOLY GEOGRAPHY $400: Old Kent Road is the only London Monopoly location south of this body of water the Thames
#8346, aired 2021-03-01LONDON MONOPOLY GEOGRAPHY $600: There's no mistaking this public plaza that commemorates an important British victory of 1805 Trafalgar Square
#8346, aired 2021-03-01LONDON MONOPOLY GEOGRAPHY $800: This rhyming thoroughfare is home to a demon barber in a Sondheim musical Fleet Street
#8346, aired 2021-03-01LONDON MONOPOLY GEOGRAPHY $1000: This 2-word "royal" train station has been suggested as the spot where Queen Boadicea was buried in 60 A.D. King's Cross

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