Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6923, aired 2014-10-22LIVING AT THE WATERGATE $200: This Kansas senator was head of the RNC & living at the Watergate during the '72 break-in but was in Chicago that night Bob Dole
#6923, aired 2014-10-22LIVING AT THE WATERGATE $400: Ironically, in 1969 Rose Mary Woods, this man's secretary, was the victim of one of the Watergate's first burglaries Richard Nixon
#6923, aired 2014-10-22LIVING AT THE WATERGATE $600: In 1996 this Supreme Court justice from N.Y. & Watergate resident had her purse snatched outside the building Ruth Bader Ginsburg
#6923, aired 2014-10-22LIVING AT THE WATERGATE $800: At the center of a pres. scandal herself, she left neighbors apology notes for the fuss she brought to the building in the '90s Monica Lewinsky
#6923, aired 2014-10-22LIVING AT THE WATERGATE $1000: This Secretary of State often played chamber music piano accompanied by 4 friends in her apartment Condoleezza Rice

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