Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7251, aired 2016-03-07LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS $400: This book that won a Pulitzer in 1961 depicts racial injustice in a small Southern town To Kill a Mockingbird
#7251, aired 2016-03-07LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS $800: In this author's "Lonesome Dove", a motley assortment of heroes, outlaws & more live & die in the title Texas town (Larry) McMurtry
#7251, aired 2016-03-07LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS $1600: A young woman's passion for a priest drives much of this epic saga of 3 generations of Australian sheep farmers The Thorn Birds
#7251, aired 2016-03-07LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS $2000: The title bird is actually an anarchist in Tom Robbins' "Still Life with" this Woodpecker
#7251, aired 2016-03-07LITERATURE IS FOR THE BIRDS $4,000 (Daily Double): In this novel, a Tulane law student discovers facts that people will kill for, & if she doesn't get help, she might be next The Pelican Brief

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