Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9165, aired 2024-09-20LITERARY TITLE MATH $400: Heller's catch minus Northup's years as "a Slave" 10
#9165, aired 2024-09-20LITERARY TITLE MATH $800: Garcia Marquez' solitary years times Albom's heavenly greeters 500
#9165, aired 2024-09-20LITERARY TITLE MATH $1,500 (Daily Double): Dodie Smith's spotted pooches plus Bradbury's pyrometric threshold 552
#9165, aired 2024-09-20LITERARY TITLE MATH $1600: The entirety of Hosseini's splendid suns plus Verne's leagues below the waves 21,000
#9165, aired 2024-09-20LITERARY TITLE MATH $2000: Covey's quantity of highly effective habits divided by Harrer's years in Tibet 1

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