Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8534, aired 2021-12-16LITERARY MUSEUMS $400: Head to Wamego, Kansas for a museum dedicated to this fictional land created by L. Frank Baum Oz
#8534, aired 2021-12-16LITERARY MUSEUMS $800: A museum devoted to this literary movement is not far from San Francisco's City Lights Bookstore the Beat movement
#8534, aired 2021-12-16LITERARY MUSEUMS $1200: You can find your roots at the museum devoted to this author of "Roots": genealogy services are offered to its visitors (Alex) Haley
#8534, aired 2021-12-16LITERARY MUSEUMS $1600: The Amazing World of Dr. Seuss Museum is in this Massachusetts city, Dr. Seuss' hometown Springfield
#8534, aired 2021-12-16LITERARY MUSEUMS $2000: The home of this educator known for his "Readers" is kept as a museum on the campus of Miami University in Ohio McGuffey

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