Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (6 results returned)

#7891, aired 2018-12-24LITERARY CHARACTERS BASED ON REAL PEOPLE $1200: Murder victim Mary Rogers had her name Frenchified as this character in an Edgar Allan Poe mystery Marie RogĂȘt
#7891, aired 2018-12-24LITERARY CHARACTERS BASED ON REAL PEOPLE $1600: Daniel Boone was a basis for this character in the "Leatherstocking Tales" by James Fenimore Cooper Natty Bumppo
#7891, aired 2018-12-24LITERARY CHARACTERS BASED ON REAL PEOPLE $2000: Don Armado in "Love's Labour's Lost" may have been based on this soldier poet of Shakespeare's time Sir Walter Raleigh
#7030, aired 2015-03-20LITERARY CHARACTERS BASED ON REAL PEOPLE $400: This H.B. Stowe character was partially based on josiah Henson, a slave who escaped the south to Canada Uncle Tom
#7030, aired 2015-03-20LITERARY CHARACTERS BASED ON REAL PEOPLE $800: Tom Blankenship, the son of the town drunkard in Hannibal, was the inspiration for this classic character Huckleberry Finn
#7030, aired 2015-03-20LITERARY CHARACTERS BASED ON REAL PEOPLE $2000: Self-destructive poet Delmore Schwartz was the model for this title gift-giver in a Saul Bellow book Humboldt

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