Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5765, aired 2009-10-09LITERARY CHARACTERS' ADS $400: Swiss student seeks companion for scavenger hunts in graveyards & dissecting rooms Victor Frankenstein
#5765, aired 2009-10-09LITERARY CHARACTERS' ADS $800: Young Russian count wanted for affair with married woman; open to pregnancy & train travel Anna Karenina
#5765, aired 2009-10-09LITERARY CHARACTERS' ADS $1,000 (Daily Double): Paralyzed British landowner seeks gamekeeper for Wragby estate Sir Chatterley (Lady Chatterley's husband)
#5765, aired 2009-10-09LITERARY CHARACTERS' ADS $1200: Seeking nymphet to be light of my life, fire of my loins. Must answer to "Lolita" Humbert Humbert
#5765, aired 2009-10-09LITERARY CHARACTERS' ADS $2000: Seeking governess for ward Adele at Thornfield; must not snoop in the attic Rochester

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