Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (44 results returned)

#9055, aired 2024-03-08LITERARY AWARDS $200: The first of his 4, count 'em, 4 Pulitzers, was for "New Hampshire: A Poem with Notes & Grace Notes" Robert Frost
#9055, aired 2024-03-08LITERARY AWARDS $400: The Man Group sponsored this prestigious British literary prize from 2002 to 2019 the Booker Prize
#9055, aired 2024-03-08LITERARY AWARDS $600: Octavia Butler got the inaugural Infinity Award by the Science Fiction & Writers Association at these star-studded awards the Nebula Awards
#9055, aired 2024-03-08LITERARY AWARDS $800: This 18th century publisher who helped usher Mother Goose into the world is the namesake of a lauded medal Newbery
#9055, aired 2024-03-08LITERARY AWARDS $1000: The Hugo Award isn't named after Victor Hugo, but this Hugo who founded the sci-fi magazine Amazing Stories Hugo Gernsback
#8175, aired 2020-03-06LITERARY AWARDS $400: Like the protagonist in the early part of Dumas' novel, the judges of the newly created Prix Monte-Cristo are these prisoners
#8175, aired 2020-03-06LITERARY AWARDS $800: No twist necessary in the short stories that since 1919 win the prize named for this short story author O. Henry
#8175, aired 2020-03-06LITERARY AWARDS $1200: 2019 Nobel Prize winner Peter Handke is perhaps best known for the novel this player's "Anxiety at the Penalty Kick" the goalie
#8175, aired 2020-03-06LITERARY AWARDS $1600: In 2019 the name of this prestigious prize became a little shorter when the Man Group stopped sponsoring it a Booker
#8175, aired 2020-03-06LITERARY AWARDS $2000: The 2017 Women's Prize for Fiction went to Naomi Alderman for this sci-fi novel where women get shocking abilities The Power
#7694, aired 2018-02-08LITERARY AWARDS $400: Not surprisingly, Selma Lagerlof of this country was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature Sweden
#7694, aired 2018-02-08LITERARY AWARDS $800: In 1938 "Animals of the Bible" by Dorothy P. Lathrop became the first picture book to win this medal the Caldecott
#7694, aired 2018-02-08LITERARY AWARDS $1200: Winners of Britain's Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction include Lionel Shriver for her novel "We Need to Talk About" him Kevin
#7694, aired 2018-02-08LITERARY AWARDS $1600: In 1881 a literary prize named for this "Eugene Onegin" author was established to honor Russian writers Pushkin
#7694, aired 2018-02-08LITERARY AWARDS $2000: Awarded by Yale, this poetry prize was established by an admirer of Carl Jung, who named it for Jung's home in Switzerland the Bollingen
#7484, aired 2017-03-09LITERARY AWARDS $400: The Spur & the Lariat awards are given by the WWA, or these Writers of America Westerns
#7484, aired 2017-03-09LITERARY AWARDS $800: Medals from the American Library Assn. include the Caldecott, Newbery & one named for this "Little House" author Laura Ingalls Wilder
#7484, aired 2017-03-09LITERARY AWARDS $1200: The first novel to win the Nebula Award was this one set on Arrakis Dune
#7484, aired 2017-03-09LITERARY AWARDS $1600: Awarded by Yale, the Bollingen Prize is given for achievement in this literary form poetry
#7484, aired 2017-03-09LITERARY AWARDS $5,600 (Daily Double): Arthur Schlesinger Jr. won 2 National Book Awards for nonfiction for books about each of these 2 brothers John F. Kennedy and R. F. Kennedy
#7205, aired 2016-01-01LITERARY AWARDS $400: These awards presented by the Mystery Writers of America are named for Mr. Poe the Edgars
#7205, aired 2016-01-01LITERARY AWARDS $800: "Number the Stars" & "The Tale of Despereaux" are among the books to proudly display this medal on their covers the Newbery Medal
#7205, aired 2016-01-01LITERARY AWARDS $1200: In 2001 this author of "Goodbye, Columbus" said hello to $10,000 & the first Franz Kafka Prize Philip Roth
#7205, aired 2016-01-01LITERARY AWARDS $2,000 (Daily Double): An award at Yale for the most outstanding nonfiction book on slavery &/or abolition is named for this man Frederick Douglass
#7205, aired 2016-01-01LITERARY AWARDS $2000: First awarded in 1969, it's Britain's equivalent of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction the Man Booker Prize
#6937, aired 2014-11-11LITERARY AWARDS $200: This award for science fiction or fantasy is named for Mr. Gernsback, the founder of Amazing Stories magazine the Hugo
#6937, aired 2014-11-11LITERARY AWARDS $400: This French writer was just 44 when he got the Nobel Prize for Literature for works like "The Myth of Sisyphus" (Albert) Camus
#6937, aired 2014-11-11LITERARY AWARDS $600: A Swedish award for adolescent & children's literature is named for this "Pippi Longstocking" author Astrid Lindgren
#6937, aired 2014-11-11LITERARY AWARDS $800: The Man Group administers this prize now open to any novel written in English, not just by Brits Booker Prize
#6937, aired 2014-11-11LITERARY AWARDS $1,000 (Daily Double): Though dead almost 20 years, she won a 1982 Pulitzer for her "Collected Poems" (Sylvia) Plath
#6472, aired 2012-11-06LITERARY AWARDS $400: Since 1953, the Spur Awards have been presented annually to writers of this genre Western
#6472, aired 2012-11-06LITERARY AWARDS $800: Brian Selznick won a 2008 Caldecott Medal for Illustration for his book "The Invention of" this French boy Hugo Cabret
#6472, aired 2012-11-06LITERARY AWARDS $1200: Vincent Bugliosi won a 1975 Edgar Award for this book that was subtitled "The True Story of the Manson Murders" Helter Skelter
#6472, aired 2012-11-06LITERARY AWARDS $1600: A British sci-fi award named for this "Childhood's End" author consists of an engraved bookend Arthur C. Clarke
#6472, aired 2012-11-06LITERARY AWARDS $2000: He won a Bram Stoker award for horror for "Lisey's Story" & also has a lifetime achievement award Stephen King
#5902, aired 2010-04-20LITERARY AWARDS $200: For Civil War works, winners of an award from Gettysburg College receive $50,000 & a bust of him Lincoln
#5902, aired 2010-04-20LITERARY AWARDS $400: In 1901, French poet Sully Prudhomme became the first recipient of this the Nobel Prize for Literature
#5902, aired 2010-04-20LITERARY AWARDS $1000: Winners of this award include Scott O'Dell for "Island of the Blue Dolphins" & Lois Lowry for "Number the Stars" the Newbery
#5902, aired 2010-04-20LITERARY AWARDS $3,000 (Daily Double): The Poetry Book Society of the U.K. & the Truman State University Press of Missouri both give an award named for him Thomas Stearns Eliot (T.S. Eliot)
#3068, aired 1997-12-24LITERARY AWARDS $200: He won the Booker Prize for "Midnight's Children"; his "Satanic Verses" was nominated but didn't win Salman Rushdie
#3068, aired 1997-12-24LITERARY AWARDS $400: Paul Mellon named the Bollingen Prize for a town where this Swiss psychoanalyst lived Carl Jung
#3068, aired 1997-12-24LITERARY AWARDS $600: He "jockeyed" to win the 1996 Edgar Allan Poe Award for best mystery with "Come to Grief" Dick Francis
#3068, aired 1997-12-24LITERARY AWARDS $800: Following this Russian's name on the Nobel Prize for Literature list is "declined the prize" & "1958" Boris Pasternak (Doctor Zhivago)
#3068, aired 1997-12-24LITERARY AWARDS $1000: This Russian literary prize was established in 1881 & named for the author of "Eugene Onegin" Aleksandr Pushkin

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (1 result returned)

#2324, aired 1994-10-13LITERARY AWARDS: 2 of 3 men from Ireland awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature (2 of) (William Butler) Yeats, (George Bernard) Shaw or (Samuel) Beckett

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