Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5744, aired 2009-07-23LITERARY ANALYSIS $400: Obsession with animating dead tissue bordering on the manic side; delusions of creating a race of creatures Dr. Frankenstein
#5744, aired 2009-07-23LITERARY ANALYSIS $800: Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown; cruelty of 2 older daughters driving him mad; jesting fool not helping King Lear
#5744, aired 2009-07-23LITERARY ANALYSIS $1200: Master criminal with revenge fantasy regarding certain detective; suicidal tendency noted at Reichenbach Falls Moriarty
#5744, aired 2009-07-23LITERARY ANALYSIS $1600: Mumbles about "his precious"; hallucinations getting more vivid as witnessed in talks with self Smeagol (or Gollum)
#5744, aired 2009-07-23LITERARY ANALYSIS $2000: Says joy of classical music is akin to joy when violent; speaks odd "nadsat" slang; blames other droogs Alex DeLarge
#4625, aired 2004-10-15LITERARY ANALYSIS $400: Exceedingly charming & cold-blooded; psychopathic; recommend isolation; oh yeah, he's a cannibal Hannibal Lecter
#4625, aired 2004-10-15LITERARY ANALYSIS $800: Delusional after her part in the king's murder, suffers from sleepwalking & obsessive "hand-washing" Lady Macbeth
#4625, aired 2004-10-15LITERARY ANALYSIS $1200: Rebellious in the ward; inducing other patients to gamble; grappling with Nurse Ratched; perhaps electro-shock? McMurphy
#4625, aired 2004-10-15LITERARY ANALYSIS $1600: Homicidal; believes he's God; lunacy perhaps caused by the African heat; must find out what he means by "The Horror" (Col.) Kurtz (Mr. Kurtz accepted)
#4625, aired 2004-10-15LITERARY ANALYSIS $5,000 (Daily Double): "Ethical and altruistic impulses are perpetually warring with extreme sexual longings"; other "complaints" Alexander Portnoy

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