Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9253, aired 2025-01-22LITERALLY LITERATURE $200: "Wide Sargasso Sea" by Jean Rhys tells the story of the first wife of this character from "Jane Eyre" Rochester
#9253, aired 2025-01-22LITERALLY LITERATURE $400: A book by Jean Améry tries to salvage the reputation of Charles, the dull, cuckolded husband of this Flaubert character Madame Bovary
#9253, aired 2025-01-22LITERALLY LITERATURE $800: This author is a character in "Shoeless Joe"; not happy about being portrayed, he isn't in the movie version "Field of Dreams" Salinger
#9253, aired 2025-01-22LITERALLY LITERATURE $1000: "Man produces evil as a bee produces honey" is a thought from this Brit who wrote about kids gone savage on an island Golding
#9253, aired 2025-01-22LITERALLY LITERATURE $2,600 (Daily Double): This 1880s short story ends with "never a cobra dared show its head inside the walls" "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"

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