Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (40 results returned)

#7930, aired 2019-02-15LIQUIDS $400: The main lacrimal glands provide these when stimulated by bright light or a sad movie tears
#7930, aired 2019-02-15LIQUIDS $800: Rain-X Bug Remover is a brand of this fluid providing clearer vision while driving wiper fluid
#7930, aired 2019-02-15LIQUIDS $1200: Once, the South's main industry was this tree product, now used for paint removal but then for pitch & tar on ships turpentine
#7930, aired 2019-02-15LIQUIDS $1600: Defending the fortress of Jotapata, Jewish leader Josephus poured this hot stuff on the Romans boiling oil
#7930, aired 2019-02-15LIQUIDS $2000: In 1943 Norwegian commandos & Allied bombs wrecked the Nazis' production of this A-bomb-making liquid at Rjukan heavy water
#6755, aired 2014-01-17LIQUIDS $200: This element that's liquid at room temperature forms amalgams with some metals, but not iron mercury
#6755, aired 2014-01-17LIQUIDS $400: For Colavita to label this liquid "extra virgin", it must be collected from the first pressing olive oil
#6755, aired 2014-01-17LIQUIDS $600: Due to its bright red color, a palm tree resin used as a colorant & medication is called dragon's this blood
#6755, aired 2014-01-17LIQUIDS $800: "Ex" marks the spot for this thick white liquid produced by the rubber tree latex
#6755, aired 2014-01-17LIQUIDS $1000: (Sarah of the Clue Crew demonstrates.) This liquid, C3H8O3, is not only used in antifreeze; when water is added, it's also a skin softener glycerin
#6045, aired 2010-12-17LIQUIDS $200: This word can apply to plant latex as well as to nourishment for mammals' young milk
#6045, aired 2010-12-17LIQUIDS $400: Used to prepare a surface for painting, it's spelled the same as a textbook for children primer
#6045, aired 2010-12-17LIQUIDS $600: Naked, founded in 1983, is a brand of this juice
#6045, aired 2010-12-17LIQUIDS $800: It precedes "shrimp" in the name of a shrimp species that lives in the Great Salt Lake brine
#6045, aired 2010-12-17LIQUIDS $1000: The longleaf & slash pines are the USA's main source of this solvent & thinner turpentine
#5013, aired 2006-05-31LIQUIDS $200: Byron wrote, "Let us have" this "and women, mirth and laughter, sermons and soda-water the day after" wine
#5013, aired 2006-05-31LIQUIDS $400: Whether autumn leaves turn fiery amber, vivid gold or dull brown depends on the composition of this thick liquid sap
#5013, aired 2006-05-31LIQUIDS $600: The Quaker State Company was founded in 1931 in a Pennsylvania city named for this liquid oil
#5013, aired 2006-05-31LIQUIDS $800: The rounded area of a ship's hull, dividing bottom from sides, or the yucky water that collects there bilge
#5013, aired 2006-05-31LIQUIDS $1000: The cholesterol doctors measure is called this "cholesterol", for the fluid part of whole blood serum
#4814, aired 2005-07-07LIQUIDS $400: Term for the substance expelled by the fleeing octopus; some of it appears to paralyze predators ink
#4814, aired 2005-07-07LIQUIDS $1200: Female gnats have mandibles for bloodsucking; males don't, & feed on this liquid, like gods nectar
#4814, aired 2005-07-07LIQUIDS $1600: The name of Hungary's Egri Bikaver wine is translated as this male animal's "blood from Eger" a bull
#4814, aired 2005-07-07LIQUIDS $2,000 (Daily Double): A quick dose of candy can help if you take too much of this, prescribed twice a day for many people insulin
#4814, aired 2005-07-07LIQUIDS $2000: It's commonly made by pouring apple cider over wood shavings while blowing air through the mixture vinegar
#2720, aired 1996-05-31LIQUIDS $100: This liquid is homogenized by forcing it through small nozzles that reduce the size of fat globules milk
#2720, aired 1996-05-31LIQUIDS $200: The antiknock characteristics of this fuel are indicated by its octane number gasoline
#2720, aired 1996-05-31LIQUIDS $300: The earliest forms of this writing fluid were compounded from lampblack, gum or glue, & water ink
#2720, aired 1996-05-31LIQUIDS $500 (Daily Double): Hydrargyrum is the Latin name of this metal mercury
#2720, aired 1996-05-31LIQUIDS $500: Discovered in 1846, this liquid produces over 1,000 times its own volume in gas when exploded nitroglycerin
#2317, aired 1994-10-04LIQUIDS $100: This thick, sticky liquid distilled from coal is used on roofs & in paving tar
#2317, aired 1994-10-04LIQUIDS $200: For cooking it comes in regular & extra virgin varieties olive oil
#2317, aired 1994-10-04LIQUIDS $300: California law says water labeled as this must have 500 ppm or more total dissolved solids mineral water
#2317, aired 1994-10-04LIQUIDS $400: An LCD watch contains this fluid that has some characteristics of a solid liquid crystal
#2317, aired 1994-10-04LIQUIDS $500: It's the liquid Evangelista Torricelli used in his barometer in 1643 mercury
#1958, aired 1993-02-24LIQUIDS $100: Dry cleaning refers to garments washed in liquids other than this water
#1958, aired 1993-02-24LIQUIDS $200: Humans have no problem consuming this insect-produced liquid because it's predigested honey
#1958, aired 1993-02-24LIQUIDS $300: Ascanio Sobrero discovered this liquid explosive in 1846 nitroglycerin
#1958, aired 1993-02-24LIQUIDS $400: In the mid-1800s this petroleum product became a popular fuel for lamps kerosene
#1958, aired 1993-02-24LIQUIDS $500: This liquid is the source of natural rubber latex

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