Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8869, aired 2023-05-11 | LIONS & TIGERS & BEERS $200: Punning on a word for a group of lions, South Africa's Lion Lager called itself the this "of beers" pride |
#8869, aired 2023-05-11 | LIONS & TIGERS & BEERS $400: During Prohibition, Pennsylvania's Lion Brewery made this rhyming stuff that had just 1/10 the alcohol of regular beer near beer |
#8869, aired 2023-05-11 | LIONS & TIGERS & BEERS $600: The Great Lakes Brewing Company's Rye of the Tiger is an IPA, short for this India pale ale |
#8869, aired 2023-05-11 | LIONS & TIGERS & BEERS $800: Lion Beer Australia says its beers are made from only 4 core ingredients--water, barley, malt & these hops |
#8869, aired 2023-05-11 | LIONS & TIGERS & BEERS $1000: Sri Lanka's Lion Lager is 4.8% alcohol; Lion this dark, strong beer type is a powerful 8.8% Stout |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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