Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#8477, aired 2021-09-28 | LIFE & WORK IN ANCIENT ROME $400: A caldarium was a hot room section of one of these attractions bath |
#8477, aired 2021-09-28 | LIFE & WORK IN ANCIENT ROME $800: A slave who had been trained to be one of these was a paedagogus, related to an English word that ends -ogue teacher |
#8477, aired 2021-09-28 | LIFE & WORK IN ANCIENT ROME $1200: An occulus is a circular opening at the apex of a dome, like the one in the roof of this ancient building Pantheon |
#8477, aired 2021-09-28 | LIFE & WORK IN ANCIENT ROME $1600: An auspex read omens from watching the movements of these animals from which the word auspex partly derives birds |
#8477, aired 2021-09-28 | LIFE & WORK IN ANCIENT ROME $2000: Later a word for a record player needle, it was once a metal tool used to scratch words onto wax-covered tablets stylus |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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