Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9222, aired 2024-12-10LIFE IMITATES POP CULTURE $200: This show correctly predicts the future: a 2000 episode shows a grown-up Lisa as U.S. president; her predecessor: Donald Trump The Simpsons
#9222, aired 2024-12-10LIFE IMITATES POP CULTURE $400: NASA's countdown before a rocket launch can be traced to a 1929 silent German film called "Frau im Mond", "Woman in" this the Moon
#9222, aired 2024-12-10LIFE IMITATES POP CULTURE $600: It wasn't called fake news yet when this 1997 film had a spin doctor creating a war to distract from a presidential sex scandal Wag the Dog
#9222, aired 2024-12-10LIFE IMITATES POP CULTURE $800: Playing Achilles in the movie "Troy", this actor managed to injure his, yep, you guessed it, Achilles tendon Brad Pitt
#9222, aired 2024-12-10LIFE IMITATES POP CULTURE $1000: (Lisa Ann Walter presents the clue.) Talk about life imitating art: after nannying identical twins played by Lindsay Lohan in this 1998 film, I had real-life identical twins & they even share the characters' birthday The Parent Trap

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