Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (8 results returned)

#7673, aired 2018-01-10LETHAL WEAPON $200: In 1978 the U.S. military stopped using this, which can produce a 2,000-degree wall of fire a flamethrower
#7673, aired 2018-01-10LETHAL WEAPON $800: Depending on who's wielding it, this item here can be either a nifty Irish walking stick or a cudgel a shillelagh
#7673, aired 2018-01-10LETHAL WEAPON $1000: In U.S. military slang, this fruit becomes a hand grenade a pineapple
#4269, aired 2003-03-06LETHAL WEAPON $400: The weapons in this board game are a rope, a lead pipe, a knife, a wrench, a candlestick & a revolver Clue
#4269, aired 2003-03-06LETHAL WEAPON $800: (Clue with the Clue Crew missing because of a tape problem) ---------------------------------------
#4269, aired 2003-03-06LETHAL WEAPON $1200: First put into use by the Russians in 1949, this assault rifle was invented by Mikhail Kalashnikov AK-47
#4269, aired 2003-03-06LETHAL WEAPON $1600: Used to entangle a cow's legs, gauchos make good use of this weapon of strong cords with weighted ends bola
#4269, aired 2003-03-06LETHAL WEAPON $2000: In Washington, Ark. there's a replica of the smithy where these eponymous knives were first made in the 1830s Bowie knives

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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