Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8899, aired 2023-06-22LET'S "T" UP THE MAP $400: This city in northwestern Baja California is about 15 miles south of San Diego Tijuana
#8899, aired 2023-06-22LET'S "T" UP THE MAP $800: East of Vietnam & an arm of the South China Sea, this gulf was the site of an international incident in 1964 Tonkin
#8899, aired 2023-06-22LET'S "T" UP THE MAP $1200: The Museum of Glass & the University of Puget Sound are in this city, the seat of Pierce County Tacoma
#8899, aired 2023-06-22LET'S "T" UP THE MAP $1600: Home to the Kasbah Museum, this Moroccan port is on the Strait of Gibraltar, just 17 miles from southern Spain Tangier
#8899, aired 2023-06-22LET'S "T" UP THE MAP $2000: Saddam Hussein was born near this city on the west bank of the Tigris in 1937 & was pulled out of the ground in its vicinity in 2003 Tikrit

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