Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)

#8954, aired 2023-10-19LET'S PLAY CARDS $200: In addition to 2 regular decks of 52 cards, the game of canasta uses 4 of these as wild cards jokers
#8954, aired 2023-10-19LET'S PLAY CARDS $400: The highest hand you can have in five-card stud is called this a royal flush
#8954, aired 2023-10-19LET'S PLAY CARDS $600: The suit cards of this fortune telling deck of cards are known as the minor arcana tarot
#8954, aired 2023-10-19LET'S PLAY CARDS $800: Energy & Trainer cards are 2 of the 3 types in the trading card version of this game; make sure you have a good fit Pokémon
#8954, aired 2023-10-19LET'S PLAY CARDS $1000: You play gin with 52 cards but pinochle with this many 48
#6139, aired 2011-04-28LET'S PLAY CARDS $200: The juniper alcohol of the same name is not necessarily involved in the card game called this rummy gin
#6139, aired 2011-04-28LET'S PLAY CARDS $400: The 4 players in contract this are often called north, south, east & west bridge
#6139, aired 2011-04-28LET'S PLAY CARDS $600: I like to play this type of solitaire named for an arachnid; it was also FDR's favorite spider
#6139, aired 2011-04-28LET'S PLAY CARDS $1,000 (Daily Double): This game of Uruguayan origin uses 2 decks of cards & has a Spanish name that means "basket" canasta
#6139, aired 2011-04-28LET'S PLAY CARDS $1000: The object of this card game that requires a special 48-card deck is to build high-scoring melds pinochle
#4208, aired 2002-12-11LET'S PLAY CARDS $200: In poker, after shuffling, the dealer deals out the cards beginning with the person here to his left
#4208, aired 2002-12-11LET'S PLAY CARDS $400: In addition to 2 regular decks of 52 cards, the game of Canasta uses 4 of these wild cards jokers
#4208, aired 2002-12-11LET'S PLAY CARDS $600: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew reports) The highest hand you can have in five-card stud is called this royal flush
#4208, aired 2002-12-11LET'S PLAY CARDS $800: The suit cards of this fortune telling deck of cards are known as the Minor Arcana tarot cards
#4208, aired 2002-12-11LET'S PLAY CARDS $1000: You play gin with 52 cards but pinochle with this many 48

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