Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7381, aired 2016-10-17LESSER-KNOWN GRAMMYS $400: In 1963 Vaughn Meader won album of the year for "The First Family", in which he did an impression of this president JFK
#7381, aired 2016-10-17LESSER-KNOWN GRAMMYS $800: In 1999, 2000 & 2002 albums by this Muppet won the Grammy for best music album for children Elmo
#7381, aired 2016-10-17LESSER-KNOWN GRAMMYS $1200: Prince beat members of this sports team, also nominated in 1987 for Best R&B Group Performance the Chicago Bears
#7381, aired 2016-10-17LESSER-KNOWN GRAMMYS $1600: Tia Carrere has won 2 Grammys in the category for music coming from this state Hawaii
#7381, aired 2016-10-17LESSER-KNOWN GRAMMYS $2000: Maya Angelou won for spoken word in 1993 & '95; in 1994 it was him for "Get in the Van: On the Road with Black Flag" Henry Rollins

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