Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#1572, aired 1991-06-04LESS FAMOUS NAMES $200: In 1985 Dick & Jan Molen became the 1st people to run a marathon atop this Chinese landmark the Great Wall (of China)
#1572, aired 1991-06-04LESS FAMOUS NAMES $400: Anson Jones was the last president of this republic; he resigned in 1846 after the U.S. annexed it Texas
#1572, aired 1991-06-04LESS FAMOUS NAMES $600: In 1958 jeweler Harry Winston donated this $1.5 million diamond to the Smithsonian the Hope Diamond
#1572, aired 1991-06-04LESS FAMOUS NAMES $800: German meteorologist Alfred Wegener was the 1st to catch their drift when he saw the jigsaw pattern continents
#1572, aired 1991-06-04LESS FAMOUS NAMES $1000: Edward Derwinski is the 1st & thus far only secretary of this newest Cabinet department Veterans Affairs
#1350, aired 1990-06-15LESS-FAMOUS NAMES $200: In January 1968 Norman Shumway became the first surgeon in the U.S. to perform this procedure a heart transplant
#1350, aired 1990-06-15LESS-FAMOUS NAMES $400: Ludwig Feuerbach came up with "der mensch ist was er isst"; a man is this a man is what he eats
#1350, aired 1990-06-15LESS-FAMOUS NAMES $600: We're not sure but we think it's Werner Heisenberg who is famous for this principle in physics the uncertainty principle
#1350, aired 1990-06-15LESS-FAMOUS NAMES $800: Otus & Ephialtes tried to reach heaven by piling Pelion on Ossa, & Ossa on this mountain Mount Olympus
#1350, aired 1990-06-15LESS-FAMOUS NAMES $1000: In November 1969 Alan Bean & Charles Conrad made news by doing this in the Intrepid landing on the Moon

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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