Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (4 results returned)

#6441, aired 2012-09-24LARRY, MO- & CURLY $200: Aug. 19, 2004 was a good day for Larry Page--he netted $3.8 billion as this website he co-founded went public Google
#6441, aired 2012-09-24LARRY, MO- & CURLY $400: Harold Gray pitched a cartoon feature called "Little Orphan Otto" but ended up creating this curly-haired girl (Little Orphan) Annie
#6441, aired 2012-09-24LARRY, MO- & CURLY $600: Holding an object against your neck, you spin 1 1/2 times to gain "mo", momentum, in this Olympic event the shot put
#6441, aired 2012-09-24LARRY, MO- & CURLY $800: As president of this university, Larry Summers did not think much of the Winklevoss twins Harvard

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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