Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $200: Located at Terminal 3, this company with a Greek letter as its name offers 1,500 daily flights Delta
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $400: In June 1961 JFK met with this rival world leader for 2 days in Vienna to discuss a growing crisis in Europe Khrushchev
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $400: This airline at Terminal 4 was formed by the Irish government in April 1936 & has been in the "Aer" ever since Aer Lingus
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $600: Now at Terminal 4, this company's first flight, from Amsterdam to London on May 17, 1920, was letter perfect KLM
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $800: John Quincy Adams & Sam Houston were 2 of the 8 brave senators JFK wrote about in this Pulitzer-winning 1956 book Profiles in Courage
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $800: This Terminal 4 company was founded in 1984 by Richard Branson; over 1 mil. people flew it by the end of the decade Virgin
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $1000: On Feb. 20, 2007 this Terminal 6 airline introduced its "Customer Bill of Rights" JetBlue
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $1200: It was the number assigned to JFK's PT boat that was cut in half by a Japanese destroyer on August 2, 1943 109
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $1600: Finish the June 26, 1963 JFK quote: "Therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words..." Ich bin ein Berliner
#5377, aired 2008-01-15LANDING AT JFK $2000: Gee whiz! In 1962 JFK appointed this man, then deputy attorney general, to the Supreme Court (Whizzer) White

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