Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7439, aired 2017-01-05KNOWN BY THEIR MIDDLE NAMES $400: Willard is the first name of this former governor of Massachusetts & presidential candidate Mitt Romney
#7439, aired 2017-01-05KNOWN BY THEIR MIDDLE NAMES $800: Maria is a nice first name, but this middle name of a Filipina president has more heart (because it means "heart") Corazon Aquino
#7439, aired 2017-01-05KNOWN BY THEIR MIDDLE NAMES $1200: This movie Zorro & ex of Melanie Griffith dropped the first name Jose Antonio Banderas
#7439, aired 2017-01-05KNOWN BY THEIR MIDDLE NAMES $1600: The first name of this British P.M. was Arthur; the rest of his name is synonymous with a policy of appeasement (Neville) Chamberlain
#7439, aired 2017-01-05KNOWN BY THEIR MIDDLE NAMES $2000: Here's the tale of this author & illustrator of children's books: she was given the first name Helen in England in 1866 Beatrix Potter

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