Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9222, aired 2024-12-10KING ARTHUR'S VERY PUNNY KNIGHTS $200: This knight was so plump his belly was equal to pi times his diameter Sir Cumference
#9222, aired 2024-12-10KING ARTHUR'S VERY PUNNY KNIGHTS $400: He told everyone of his skills for when Britain became even more anarchic, like finding food & shelter & making fires in the wild Sir Vivalist
#9222, aired 2024-12-10KING ARTHUR'S VERY PUNNY KNIGHTS $600: For a boundary dispute with a rival king, King Arthur called on this knight equipped to settle the issue Sir Veyor
#9222, aired 2024-12-10KING ARTHUR'S VERY PUNNY KNIGHTS $800: This knight had rhythm! Though sadly more to do with 24-hour time periods than with music Sir Cadian
#9222, aired 2024-12-10KING ARTHUR'S VERY PUNNY KNIGHTS $1000: He always took the kind of route named for him--6 hours of twists & turns for what should be a 2-hour ride back to Camelot Sir Pentine (Sir Cuitous)

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