Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8567, aired 2022-02-01KILLER TV SHOWS $400: Murders abound on the fictional Caribbean island of Saint-Marie, which doesn't seem much like Eden in "Death in" this Paradise
#8567, aired 2022-02-01KILLER TV SHOWS $800: Poisoned by snake venom on his uniform in 2003, Commander Ray Trapp was the first of many, many naval personnel killed on this show NCIS
#8567, aired 2022-02-01KILLER TV SHOWS $1200: Good cops CCH Pounder & Forest Whitaker hounded killer cop Michael Chiklis & the strike team on this FX series The Shield
#8567, aired 2022-02-01KILLER TV SHOWS $1600: The "Murders" in this British detective show take place in the fictional title county, not the dog days of August the Midsomer Murders
#8567, aired 2022-02-01KILLER TV SHOWS $2000: "Better pay attention or this world we love so much might just kill you", Randy Newman sang in this show's opening theme Monk
#6940, aired 2014-11-14KILLER TV $400: Christopher Moltisanti The Sopranos
#6940, aired 2014-11-14KILLER TV $800: Leland Palmer, AKA Killer Bob Twin Peaks
#6940, aired 2014-11-14KILLER TV $1200: Brian Moser, AKA the Ice Truck Killer Dexter
#6940, aired 2014-11-14KILLER TV $1600: Lester Nygaard Fargo
#6940, aired 2014-11-14KILLER TV $2000: Red John The Mentalist

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