Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5129, aired 2006-12-21KA-"POW"! $200: He was the first African-American Secretary of State Colin Powell
#5129, aired 2006-12-21KA-"POW"! $400: 2-word term for a soft pad used to apply makeup powder puff
#5129, aired 2006-12-21KA-"POW"! $600: Electric drills, saws & other equipment, collectively power tools
#5129, aired 2006-12-21KA-"POW"! $800: A brazen political maneuver to gain advantage, or a period in hockey where one of the other team is in the penalty box power play
#5129, aired 2006-12-21KA-"POW"! $1000: Pocahontas' papa Powhatan

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