Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8334, aired 2021-02-11JUST "US" MYTHICAL FOLKS $400: His travels last 20 years, including the Trojan War Odysseus
#8334, aired 2021-02-11JUST "US" MYTHICAL FOLKS $800: Before Saturn's neighbor was named for him, one idea was to name it for Saturn's wife Cybele Uranus
#8334, aired 2021-02-11JUST "US" MYTHICAL FOLKS $1200: The medieval artwork seen here depicts this ancient Roman god Janus
#8334, aired 2021-02-11JUST "US" MYTHICAL FOLKS $2000: Constantly reaching for fruit he could never taste, he gave us a word meaning "to tempt someone & frustrate them" Tantalus
#8334, aired 2021-02-11JUST "US" MYTHICAL FOLKS $3,800 (Daily Double): Epimetheus gave the animals gifts like speed, strength & razor-sharp claws, leaving this brother with not much to give humans Prometheus

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