Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (25 results returned)
#2, aired 2024-01-12 | JUST DESERTS $200: In this Bible book, the children of Israel "were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the Desert of Sinai" Exodus |
#2, aired 2024-01-12 | JUST DESERTS $400: The barchan type of this is crescent-shaped & is formed by a constant wind coming from one direction a sand dune |
#2, aired 2024-01-12 | JUST DESERTS $800: The Namib Desert of West Africa is home to a mountain variety of this member of the horse family the zebra |
#2, aired 2024-01-12 | JUST DESERTS $1000: La Guajira desert is connected by gas pipeline to nearby Barranquilla in this South American country Colombia |
#2, aired 2024-01-12 | JUST DESERTS $2,500 (Daily Double): Canteens empty! I'm going to perish in the Chihuahuan Desert!--but look, it's this 1,900-mile-long river! the Rio Grande |
#8230, aired 2020-06-05 | JUST DESERTS $400: Home to Burning Man, Black Rock Desert is in the northwest part of this state Nevada |
#8230, aired 2020-06-05 | JUST DESERTS $800: The Taklamakan desert spans over 100,000 square miles of the Uyghur autonomous region in this country China |
#8230, aired 2020-06-05 | JUST DESERTS $1200: "P" is for this desert that takes up large parts of Argentina & Chile the Patagonian Desert |
#8230, aired 2020-06-05 | JUST DESERTS $1600: Named for a founding father of Israel, Ben-Gurion University of this desert area is a leading research university the Negev |
#8230, aired 2020-06-05 | JUST DESERTS $2000: Locals call the bleak Skeleton Coast where the Atlantic meets this desert "The Land God Made in Anger" the Namib (Desert) |
#6921, aired 2014-10-20 | JUST DESERTS $200: In this Bible book, the children of Israel "were departed from Rephidim, and were come to the Desert of Sinai" Exodus |
#6921, aired 2014-10-20 | JUST DESERTS $400: The barchan type of this is crescent-shaped & is formed by a constant wind coming from one direction a dune |
#6921, aired 2014-10-20 | JUST DESERTS $600: Canteens empty! I'm going to perish in the Chihuahuan Desert!--but look, it's this 1,900-mile-long river! the Rio Grande |
#6921, aired 2014-10-20 | JUST DESERTS $800: The Namib Desert of West Africa is home to a mountain variety of this member of the horse family the zebra |
#6921, aired 2014-10-20 | JUST DESERTS $1000: South America's La Guajira desert is connected by gas pipeline to nearby Barranquilla in this country Colombia |
#5738, aired 2009-07-15 | JUST DESERTS $200: This desert in North Africa is the largest in the world the Sahara |
#5738, aired 2009-07-15 | JUST DESERTS $400: Part of the Chihuahuan Desert lies in Chihuahua, one of this country's most prosperous states Mexico |
#5738, aired 2009-07-15 | JUST DESERTS $600: This California desert valley was named by gold seekers, many of whom didn't survive the crossing of it Death Valley |
#5738, aired 2009-07-15 | JUST DESERTS $800: The Patagonian Desert lies west of Buenos Aires in this country Argentina |
#5738, aired 2009-07-15 | JUST DESERTS $1000: The Gobi, the largest desert in Asia, is in southern Mongolia & the northern part of this country China |
#3760, aired 2000-12-29 | JUST DESERTS $200: This whole continent is considered a polar desert Antarctica |
#3760, aired 2000-12-29 | JUST DESERTS $400 (Daily Double): About 3,000 miles wide, its name is from the Arabic for "desert" the Sahara Desert |
#3760, aired 2000-12-29 | JUST DESERTS $400: These plants found near Tucson, Arizona may be 50 feet tall, weigh 8 tons & be over 100 years old (Saguaro) cactuses |
#3760, aired 2000-12-29 | JUST DESERTS $800: In order to retain as much water as possible, the desert's kangaroo rat lacks these glands sweat glands |
#3760, aired 2000-12-29 | JUST DESERTS $1000: In the Northern Hemisphere you'll find the largest chain of deserts along the line named the Tropic of this Cancer |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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