Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#7388, aired 2016-10-26JUNIOR LEAGUE $400: He skipped 9th & 12th grades & at age 15, entered Morehouse College, where he decided to become a minister Martin Luther King, Jr.
#7388, aired 2016-10-26JUNIOR LEAGUE $800: This Austrian wrote polka, quadrille & march music, but it's his nearly 400 waltzes that made his name Strauss
#7388, aired 2016-10-26JUNIOR LEAGUE $1200: In 2011 ESPN decided, nope, we're not ready for this man to sing the opening of "Monday Night Football" anymore Hank Williams, Jr.
#7388, aired 2016-10-26JUNIOR LEAGUE $1600: The 2 juniors on the current Supreme Court; one joined in 2005, the other, the following year John Roberts & Alito
#7388, aired 2016-10-26JUNIOR LEAGUE $2000: In 1981 this retired 4-star general became the second military leader to head the State Dept. Alexander Haig

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