Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (37 results returned)

#6204, aired 2011-07-28JULIUS CAESAR SALAD $400: In 2008 a marble one of these was found in a French river, apparently thrown there right after Caesar's fall a bust
#6204, aired 2011-07-28JULIUS CAESAR SALAD $800: It's named for Julius Caesar & is sometimes written in a date as "7" July
#6204, aired 2011-07-28JULIUS CAESAR SALAD $1200: In Spanish the name becomes this, as on former boxing champion Chavez Julio Cesar Chavez
#6204, aired 2011-07-28JULIUS CAESAR SALAD $2000: In 45 B.C. Caesar was given permission to wear this, which he appreciated as it covered his baldness a laurel wreath
#6204, aired 2011-07-28JULIUS CAESAR SALAD $2,300 (Daily Double): This 5-word line spoken by the soothsayer is a quote from Shakespeare's "Julius Caeser" "Beware the ides of March"
#6107, aired 2011-03-15JULIUS CAESAR $200: In his will, Caesar adopted this teenage future emperor as his heir Augustus
#6107, aired 2011-03-15JULIUS CAESAR $400: In Shakespeare's" Julius Caesar", this man begins his eulogy of Caesar, "Friends, Romans, countrymen..." Mark Antony
#6107, aired 2011-03-15JULIUS CAESAR $600: In 47 B.C., after defeating the King of Pontus, Caesar boasted, "Veni, vidi, vici!"; I came, I saw, I did this I conquered
#6107, aired 2011-03-15JULIUS CAESAR $800: From 46 to 44 B.C. Julius Caesar literally ruled as one of these, having been appointed so by the Roman Senate dictator
#6107, aired 2011-03-15JULIUS CAESAR $3,000 (Daily Double): It took from 58 to 50 B.C., but Caesar decisively overcame this fractious French region Gaul
#4936, aired 2006-02-13JULIUS CAESAR $400: In 46 B.C. this Egyptian came with Caesar to Rome, where her statue was placed in the temple of Venus Genetrix Cleopatra
#4936, aired 2006-02-13JULIUS CAESAR $800: Caesar divorced his wife after a scandal & said, "Caesar's wife must be above" this suspicion
#4936, aired 2006-02-13JULIUS CAESAR $1600: After defeating Pharnaces II at Zela, Caesar dispatched this 3-part message to the Roman Senate Veni, vidi, vici (I came, I saw, I conquered)
#4936, aired 2006-02-13JULIUS CAESAR $2000: Around 48 B.C. Caesar pardoned this man & later made him governor of Cisalpine Gaul; oops Brutus
#4936, aired 2006-02-13JULIUS CAESAR $3,000 (Daily Double): In his early 20s, Julius Caesar traveled to this "colossal" island to study rhetoric under Molon Rhodes
#3463, aired 1999-09-29JULIUS CAESAR $100: Julius declared "The die is cast" & crossed this river, provoking the Roman Civil War Rubicon
#3463, aired 1999-09-29JULIUS CAESAR $200: In the English translation of the writings of Suetonius, they're Julius Caesar's last words "And you, Brutus?"
#3463, aired 1999-09-29JULIUS CAESAR $300: Julius invaded this "great" island twice: once in 55 B.C. & once in 54 B.C. Great Britain
#3463, aired 1999-09-29JULIUS CAESAR $400: 1 of Julius Caesar's 3 wives Calpurnia, Cornelia & Pompeia
#3463, aired 1999-09-29JULIUS CAESAR $500: With no male heir of his own, Julius adopted this grandnephew Octavian/Octavius
#1694, aired 1992-01-02JULIUS CAESAR $200: A soothsayer calling from the crowd in Act I, scene 2 tells Caesar to beware this the Ides of March
#1694, aired 1992-01-02JULIUS CAESAR $400: Caesar follows this question in Latin with "Then fall, Caesar!" & then dies Et tu, Brute?
#1694, aired 1992-01-02JULIUS CAESAR $600: This man "has a lean and hungry look; he thinks too much: such men are dangerous" Cassius
#1694, aired 1992-01-02JULIUS CAESAR $800: This man, Caesar's adopted son, has the last speech in the play Octavius (or Augustus Caesar)
#1694, aired 1992-01-02JULIUS CAESAR $2,000 (Daily Double): This woman, his wife, begs Caesar to stay away from the capitol because of a dream she's had Calpurnia
#1623, aired 1991-09-25JULIUS CAESAR $200: The Belgae, Aquitani & Celts, according to Caesar inhabited its 3 parts Gaul
#1623, aired 1991-09-25JULIUS CAESAR $400: The 3 continents on which Caesar made his conquests Africa, Europe and Asia
#1623, aired 1991-09-25JULIUS CAESAR $800: Caesar died at the foot of a statue of this rival who was his son-in-law Pompey
#1623, aired 1991-09-25JULIUS CAESAR $1,000 (Daily Double): After divorcing his wife due to a scandal, he supposedly said Caesar's wife must be above this suspicion
#1623, aired 1991-09-25JULIUS CAESAR $1000: This was Caesar's first name, Julius was his middle name Gaius
#873, aired 1988-05-25JULIUS CAESAR $200: Caesar's famous message reporting his victory at Zela I came, I saw, I conquered (veni, vidi, vici)
#873, aired 1988-05-25JULIUS CAESAR $400: After Caesar defeated Ptolemy, he supported this person as ruler of Egypt Cleopatra
#873, aired 1988-05-25JULIUS CAESAR $600 (Daily Double): After the notorious Clodius incident, Caesar divorced Pompeia, saying this Caesar's wife must be above suspicion
#873, aired 1988-05-25JULIUS CAESAR $600: Caesar had an affair with Servilia, the mother of this "backstabber" Brutus
#873, aired 1988-05-25JULIUS CAESAR $800: On January 10, 49 B.C., "the die was cast" for civil war when Julius Caesar crossed this the Rubicon
#470, aired 1986-09-26JULIUS CAESAR $700 (Daily Double): The ides of March, it was the date in 44 B.C. upon which Caesar was assassinated March 15th
#470, aired 1986-09-26JULIUS CAESAR $1000: Much to chagrin of Mark Antony, in his will Caesar adopted this grandnephew, making him his heir Octavius

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