Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#3367, aired 1999-04-06JOB BANK $100: "Super", when referring to a person who takes care of an apartment house, is short for this superintendent
#3367, aired 1999-04-06JOB BANK $200: One of the jobs of a deshi in Japan is to wash the places on these athletes that they can't reach themselves sumo wrestlers
#3367, aired 1999-04-06JOB BANK $400: Preceding "leader" it makes you head of a gang of thugs; before "master", head of a gang of circus acts ring
#3367, aired 1999-04-06JOB BANK $500 (Daily Double): (Hi, I'm Billy Warlock of General Hospital.) I started my career in Hollywood as a stunt double for Robin Williams on this TV series Mork & Mindy
#3367, aired 1999-04-06JOB BANK $500: Elizabeth II doesn't do this herself; she has a hereditary grand almoner to do it for her contribute to charities

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