Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#2585, aired 1995-11-24JIMS & JAMESES $200: He was the creator & behind-the-scenes master of the Muppets Jim Henson
#2585, aired 1995-11-24JIMS & JAMESES $400: Pop Warner called him "The Greatest Football Player of All Time" Jim Thorpe
#2585, aired 1995-11-24JIMS & JAMESES $600: The term horsepower owes its origins to an experiment by this steam engine inventor James Watt
#2585, aired 1995-11-24JIMS & JAMESES $800: In 1975 he left the Berlin Philharmonic, where he was principal flutist, to pursue a solo career James Galway
#2585, aired 1995-11-24JIMS & JAMESES $1000: During the 1970s he served as CIA director, Secretary of Defense & Secretary of Energy James Schlesinger

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