Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5939, aired 2010-06-10JEOPA-CONGLOMAREX, INC. $400: Here at Jeopa-Conglomarex, we try to avoid being fined $600 million by the E.U., like this tech company in Wash. was in '04 Microsoft
#5939, aired 2010-06-10JEOPA-CONGLOMAREX, INC. $800: As CEO of J-CX, I'm thinking of doing my hair like this owner of 610 Park Avenue. How do I look? Huh? Donald Trump
#5939, aired 2010-06-10JEOPA-CONGLOMAREX, INC. $1200: At the end of fiscal 2007, J-CX decided not to brew up a competition with this beverage co. which then had 15,756 stores Starbucks
#5939, aired 2010-06-10JEOPA-CONGLOMAREX, INC. $1600: The company car? A 2009 612 Scaglietti F1 coupe from this company--only $313,088, before options Ferrari
#5939, aired 2010-06-10JEOPA-CONGLOMAREX, INC. $2000: J-CX would like a suite at Cowboys Stadium built by this NFL owner; that 60-yard-long hi-def scoreboard... wow Jerry Jones

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