Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#5160, aired 2007-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $400: 1882: This influential writer & master of the English language is born in a Dublin suburb James Joyce
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $800: 1940: This legendary singer debuts with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra Frank Sinatra
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $1200: 1653: This city, later renamed New York City, is incorporated New Amsterdam
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $1600: 1848: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is signed, ending this war the Mexican-American War
#5160, aired 2007-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $2000: 1971: This man begins a 7-year reign as dictator of Uganda Idi Amin
#3553, aired 2000-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $100: In 1959 this state's schools were integrated as black students joined white in Norfolk & Arlington Virginia
#3553, aired 2000-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $200: Jascha Heifetz, born Feb. 2, 1901, was giving concerts on this instrument by 1907 Violin
#3553, aired 2000-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $300: In 1959 this 22-year-old singer played his last gig, at the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, Iowa Buddy Holly
#3553, aired 2000-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $400: In 1986 the Pope met in India with this exiled Buddhist leader Dalai Lama
#3553, aired 2000-02-02IT HAPPENED ON GROUNDHOG DAY $500: German troops' surrender in 1943 ended the seemingly endless battle for this Russian city Stalingrad

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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