Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#5819, aired 2009-12-24 | IT HAPPENED ON CHRISTMAS EVE $200: On Dec. 24, 1943 this U.S. general was appointed Supreme Allied Commander Eisenhower |
#5819, aired 2009-12-24 | IT HAPPENED ON CHRISTMAS EVE $400: Destroying more than 35,000 volumes, a fire devastated this location in Washington, D.C. on Christmas Eve 1851 the Library of Congress |
#5819, aired 2009-12-24 | IT HAPPENED ON CHRISTMAS EVE $600: Christmas Island in the Pacific gets its name from its Christmas Eve 1777 discovery by this British explorer (Captain) Cook |
#5819, aired 2009-12-24 | IT HAPPENED ON CHRISTMAS EVE $800: The War of 1812 was officially ended by the signing of the Treaty of Ghent on Dec. 24 of this year 1814 |
#5819, aired 2009-12-24 | IT HAPPENED ON CHRISTMAS EVE $1000: Held on spying charges by this nation, the crew of the USS Pueblo returned to the U.S. for Christmas 1968 North Korea |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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