Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4093, aired 2002-05-22IT'S TOO DARN HOT! $200: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew delivers the clue) Protect yourself from the heat by wearing a kepi, like the ones worn by this military corps founded in 1831 the French Foreign Legion
#4093, aired 2002-05-22IT'S TOO DARN HOT! $400: You shouldn't take these heat tablets named for a seasoning unless your physician recommends them salt tablets
#4093, aired 2002-05-22IT'S TOO DARN HOT! $600: (Sarah of the Clue Crew delivers the clue) It's believed the folding fan was created when the inventor noticed the way this mammal folds its wings a bat
#4093, aired 2002-05-22IT'S TOO DARN HOT! $800: You may not want to visit this national park in July, when the average high is about 115 degrees--what a "killer"! Death Valley
#4093, aired 2002-05-22IT'S TOO DARN HOT! $1000: It's a 6-letter term for a heated enclosure for growing plants in cold weather; you also might have one "of crime" a hotbed

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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