Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#8002, aired 2019-05-28IT'S TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL! $200: Sandy Koufax won this annual pitching award with 100% of the first place vote in 1963, '65 & '66 a Cy Young Award
#8002, aired 2019-05-28IT'S TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL! $400: Longtime Dodgers catcher Mike Scioscia drove to Orange County to become this team's longtime manager the Angels
#8002, aired 2019-05-28IT'S TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL! $600: This Dodger co-owner knows how to lend a hand--playing across town, he led the NBA in assists per game 4 times Magic Johnson
#8002, aired 2019-05-28IT'S TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL! $800: The 1970s Dodgers had the longest-lasting intact this group: Garvey, 1B; Lopes, 2B; Russell, SS; Cey, 3B an infield
#8002, aired 2019-05-28IT'S TIME FOR DODGER BASEBALL! $1000: In 1986 this Dodger lefty from Mexico led the NL with a now-mind-boggling 20 complete games Fernando Valenzuela
#5320, aired 2007-10-26IT'S BASEBALL $200: (Hi, I'm Curt Schilling.) Randy Johnson & I were co-MVPs of the 2001 World Series, receiving this award named for a great Yankee slugger the Babe Ruth Award
#5320, aired 2007-10-26IT'S BASEBALL $400: In 2005 the Angels changed their full name to the Los Angeles Angels of this city Anaheim
#5320, aired 2007-10-26IT'S BASEBALL $600: Inducted into baseball's Hall of Fame in July 2007, he won 8 N.L. batting titles during his 20-year career as a Padre Tony Gwynn
#5320, aired 2007-10-26IT'S BASEBALL $800: In 1962 this Dodger shortstop stole 104 bases, breaking Ty Cobb's 47-year-old record Maury Wills
#5320, aired 2007-10-26IT'S BASEBALL $1000: Over the past 75 years, only one pitcher has won more than 30 games in a season--this Tiger in 1968 Denny McLain

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