Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#8118, aired 2019-12-18IT'S ASTRONOMICAL $400: William Herschel described it as "perhaps a comet", but it turned out to be the seventh planet Uranus
#8118, aired 2019-12-18IT'S ASTRONOMICAL $624 (Daily Double): In 2012 this probe left the heliopause (the boundary of the sun's magnetic field) & headed out into interstellar space Voyager
#8118, aired 2019-12-18IT'S ASTRONOMICAL $800: (Sarah of the Clue Crew presents by a display monitor.) 20 times more luminous than the Sun, Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, is the brightest star in the night sky and in the constellation known by this Latin name where it sometimes appears to form the nose Canis Major
#8118, aired 2019-12-18IT'S ASTRONOMICAL $1200: This word for a tenuous mass of interstellar dust & gas is Latin for "cloud" a nebula
#5725, aired 2009-06-26IT'S ASTRONOMICAL! $200: A small elliptical one of these might contain a million stars; large spiral ones, hundreds of billions a galaxy
#5725, aired 2009-06-26IT'S ASTRONOMICAL! $400: (Kelly of the Clue Crew shows an astronomical illustration on the monitor.) A familiar sight in the winter sky, its brightest star Aldebaran is the eye, & here are the horns in this constellation Taurus
#5725, aired 2009-06-26IT'S ASTRONOMICAL! $600: The Crab Nebula is the remnant of one of these explosive events observed in 1054 a supernova
#5725, aired 2009-06-26IT'S ASTRONOMICAL! $800: (Jimmy of the Clue Crew shows an astronomical animation on the monitor.) During a total solar eclipse, when the moon completely obscures the sun, you have a rare opportunity to see this outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere the corona
#5725, aired 2009-06-26IT'S ASTRONOMICAL! $1000: Among the named craters of the Moon are Kepler, Copernicus & this, after the great Dane Brahe Tycho

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