Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#6001, aired 2010-10-18IT'S A MARSHMALLOW WORLD $200: Originally the marshmallow bits in this cereal included pink hearts, yellow moons & green clovers Lucky Charms
#6001, aired 2010-10-18IT'S A MARSHMALLOW WORLD $400: One of these made with 7,000 Hershey bars, 20,000 marshmallows & 24,000 Graham crackers set a record a s'more
#6001, aired 2010-10-18IT'S A MARSHMALLOW WORLD $600: A little birdie told us there's a 2009 documentary all about these marshmallow Easter treats Peeps
#6001, aired 2010-10-18IT'S A MARSHMALLOW WORLD $800: Mini marshmallows are a fun addition to this classic salad of apples, walnuts & mayonnaise a Waldorf salad
#6001, aired 2010-10-18IT'S A MARSHMALLOW WORLD $1000: It's the 13-letter name for a peanut butter & marshmallow creme sandwich, a New England favorite a fluffernutter

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