Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#5058, aired 2006-09-13IT'S A MAN, BABY! $200: In drag as a peasant in this Monty Python film, Terry Jones tells King Arthur, "I didn't vote for you" Monty Python and the Holy Grail
#5058, aired 2006-09-13IT'S A MAN, BABY! $400: Barry Humphries, the voice of Bruce the Shark in "Finding Nemo", also performs as this "Dame", possums Dame Edna
#5058, aired 2006-09-13IT'S A MAN, BABY! $600: Tim Curry was dressed for success as Dr. Frank-N-Furter in this 1975 cult movie The Rocky Horror Picture Show
#5058, aired 2006-09-13IT'S A MAN, BABY! $800: This 1959 movie ends with Jerry saying, "You don't understand... I'm a man!" & getting the reply, "Well, nobody's perfect" Some Like It Hot
#5058, aired 2006-09-13IT'S A MAN, BABY! $1000: At 6'7", this one-named African-American dragster was hard to miss in the video for "Love Shack" RuPaul

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