Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (10 results returned)

#7814, aired 2018-07-26IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $400: The Lied Jungle at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo is North America's largest indoor one of these forests a rain forest
#7814, aired 2018-07-26IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $800: See gorillas in their jungle habitat on a safari to the republic of this river Congo
#7814, aired 2018-07-26IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $1,000 (Daily Double): In 1951 an airstrip was cut in the jungle near this nation's Mayan ruins of Tikal Guatemala
#7814, aired 2018-07-26IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $1200: Synonymous with cutting a path through the jungle, its name is from the Spanish for "hammer" machete
#7814, aired 2018-07-26IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $2000: This jungle-dweller of South America uses its mini-trunk to browse higher for twigs & leaves a tapir
#3271, aired 1998-11-23IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $100: A large knife whose name comes from an earlier Spanish word for "mallet"; it's handy for cutting jungle paths Machete
#3271, aired 1998-11-23IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $200: The length of this South American water boa may exceed 30 feet an anaconda
#3271, aired 1998-11-23IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $300: About 2/3 of this river's 2.3 million square mile tropical rain forest lies in Brazil Amazon
#3271, aired 1998-11-23IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $400: 6-letter term for the thick covering formed by the tops of trees & vines where many animals live canopy
#3271, aired 1998-11-23IT'S A JUNGLE OUT THERE $500: In 1863 French archaeologists began uncovering this temple of Vishnu in the jungles of Cambodia Angkor Wat

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