Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (15 results returned)
#5216, aired 2007-04-23 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $200: Familiar to fans as "Marmaduke", this lovable breed was a favorite of Elvis, who had 2 at Graceland a Great Dane |
#5216, aired 2007-04-23 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $400: When this "Sex and the City" sexpot married her third husband, her 2 dogs served as bridesmaids (Kim) Cattrall |
#5216, aired 2007-04-23 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $600: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew stands next to a monitor.) In Westminster Kennel Club competitions, poodles show in three sizes--Standard, Miniature & this small one that can't be more than 10 inches high at the shoulder Toy |
#5216, aired 2007-04-23 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $800: The origins of this retriever go back to 2 puppies rescued from an 1807 shipwreck off the coast of Maryland Chesapeake Bay |
#5216, aired 2007-04-23 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $1000: The Neapolitan type of this dog traces its roots to war dogs used in ancient times; it's also called a mastino a mastiff |
#3797, aired 2001-02-20 | IT'S A "DOG"s LIFE $100: Aerial combat between planes dogfight |
#3797, aired 2001-02-20 | IT'S A "DOG"s LIFE $200: To be here is to be in great disfavor or trouble the doghouse |
#3797, aired 2001-02-20 | IT'S A "DOG"s LIFE $300: A swimming stroke often used by beginners dog paddle |
#3797, aired 2001-02-20 | IT'S A "DOG"s LIFE $400: Someone expected to lose a contest or struggle underdog |
#3797, aired 2001-02-20 | IT'S A "DOG"s LIFE $500: Crudely fashioned verse, often of a humorous nature doggerel |
#3708, aired 2000-10-18 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $100: Lassie could tell you that the Shetland sheepdog is a miniature version of this breed Collie |
#3708, aired 2000-10-18 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $200: Yo quiero this breed whose origins are shrouded in mystery Chihuahua |
#3708, aired 2000-10-18 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $300: With 49 of the 2,541 postal worker/dog bite incidents reported in '98, this largest Texas city led the nation Houston |
#3708, aired 2000-10-18 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $400: An excellent watchdog, this breed is named for a town on northern Honshu island Akita |
#3708, aired 2000-10-18 | IT'S A DOG'S LIFE $500: A dog named Buck lives by "The Law of Club and Fang" in this Jack London novel "Call of the Wild" |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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