Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#4878, aired 2005-11-23IT'S A "CIN" $400: French term for a documentary film style that avoids directorial control over its subject cinéma vérité
#4878, aired 2005-11-23IT'S A "CIN" $800: (Cheryl of the Clue Crew tightens a horse saddle in a stable.) The strap I'm tightening is called latigo, Spanish for "gird", or this word that means it's easily done a cinch
#4878, aired 2005-11-23IT'S A "CIN" $1200: This is a mixture of ashes & slag cinders
#4878, aired 2005-11-23IT'S A "CIN" $1600: It's a tragedy that this 17th century French author is known for "Britannicus" & "Berenice" Jean Racine
#4878, aired 2005-11-23IT'S A "CIN" $2000: A synthetic hormone preparation that stimulates contractions during childbirth pitocin

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