Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#8549, aired 2022-01-06IT'LL BE MY TWEET $200: At exactly 3 a.m. London time on October 28, 2021, an unofficial account of this landmark let us know, "bong bong bong" Big Ben
#8549, aired 2022-01-06IT'LL BE MY TWEET $400: It me, this Philadelphia Flyers mascot who noted, "Not all heroes wear pants" Gritty
#8549, aired 2022-01-06IT'LL BE MY TWEET $600: This TV chef asked, "Am I really that mean????"; he constantly hurls F-bombs & called a kitchen staffer a "French pig", so yes Gordon Ramsay
#8549, aired 2022-01-06IT'LL BE MY TWEET $800: This billionaire of the Virgin empire attached an article on "How My Dyslexia Has Been a Great Benefit to Me in Business" Branson
#8549, aired 2022-01-06IT'LL BE MY TWEET $1000: This scientist: "In my NCAA wrestling days I dreamt of a hold I called the 'double tidal lock' inspired by Earth-Moon physics" Neil deGrasse Tyson

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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