Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)
#9236, aired 2024-12-30 | ISSUING A CETACEAN $400: During courtship fights, male humpback whales use the coating of these crustaceans like brass knuckles barnacles |
#9236, aired 2024-12-30 | ISSUING A CETACEAN $800: The distinctive enlarged tooth on the males of this whale seems to have a sensory use, maybe to note changes in salinity a narwhal |
#9236, aired 2024-12-30 | ISSUING A CETACEAN $1200: Foraging on the sea floor, this type of dolphin was observed using a protective sea sponge over the feature it's named for a bottlenose dolphin |
#9236, aired 2024-12-30 | ISSUING A CETACEAN $1600: Scientists are using AI to notice patterns in the clickety-clack chitchat of this largest toothed whale a sperm whale |
#9236, aired 2024-12-30 | ISSUING A CETACEAN $2000: Southern right whales have been observed using their tails, actually 2 lobes called these, as a sort of sail to catch the wind flukes |
Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)
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