Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (9 results returned)

#8098, aired 2019-11-20ISLAND NATION CAPITAL CITIES $1200: Valletta, Malta was named for the grand master of the Knights Hospitaller after they survived a 1565 siege there by this empire the Ottoman Empire
#8098, aired 2019-11-20ISLAND NATION CAPITAL CITIES $1600: With room for 7,000 worshippers, Al Fateh Mosque in Manama, capital of this island kingdom, is the nation's largest Bahrain
#8098, aired 2019-11-20ISLAND NATION CAPITAL CITIES $2000: Founded in 1736 as a stopping place for ships between Europe and Asia, Port Louis is the capital of this island nation in the Indian Ocean Mauritius
#8098, aired 2019-11-20ISLAND NATION CAPITAL CITIES $6,000 (Daily Double): Roseau, Dominica was burned by the French in 1805 & suffered near-total destruction by one of these in 1979 a hurricane
#3679, aired 2000-09-07ISLAND CITIES $200: Honolulu Oahu
#3679, aired 2000-09-07ISLAND CITIES $400: Tokyo Honshu
#3679, aired 2000-09-07ISLAND CITIES $600: Port-au-Prince Hispaniola
#3679, aired 2000-09-07ISLAND CITIES $1000: Manila Luzon
#3679, aired 2000-09-07ISLAND CITIES $2,000 (Daily Double): Jakarta Java

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