Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (43 results returned)

#9027, aired 2024-01-304-LETTER INTERJECTIONS $200: It sounds like you are clearing your throat to get my attention Ahem!
#9027, aired 2024-01-304-LETTER INTERJECTIONS $400: This interjection is the first thing Lil Jon says on Usher's hit of the same title Yeah!
#9027, aired 2024-01-304-LETTER INTERJECTIONS $600: This hyphenated term is paired with SpaghettiOs in an ad Uh-oh!
#9027, aired 2024-01-304-LETTER INTERJECTIONS $800: This mild oath was a favorite of Napoleon Dynamite Gosh!
#9027, aired 2024-01-304-LETTER INTERJECTIONS $1000: The fictional dimwitted English gentleman Bertie Wooster uses this interjection, an alteration of "Oh God!" Egad!
#8189, aired 2020-03-26PARDON THE INTERJECTION $200: In a practical joke it precedes "cushion" whoopee
#8189, aired 2020-03-26PARDON THE INTERJECTION $400: This rhyming 2-word way of calling out to attract attention is also a brand of chocolate drink yoo hoo
#8189, aired 2020-03-26PARDON THE INTERJECTION $600: In a Little Richard song title, this 2-word interjection precedes "Miss Molly" good golly
#8189, aired 2020-03-26PARDON THE INTERJECTION $800: Meaning "Stop!", this nautical interjection is often heard before "ye matey" avast
#8189, aired 2020-03-26PARDON THE INTERJECTION $1000: New to the Scrabble dictionary & containing Y, W & Z, this high-scoring interjection is used to express amazement yowza
#7865, aired 2018-11-16INTERJECTIONS $200: A 2-letter interjection of mild surprise, or what a tongue-depressor-wielding doctor tells you to say ah
#7865, aired 2018-11-16INTERJECTIONS $400: Address to a "little baby", this 4-letter interjection means "Quiet!" hush
#7865, aired 2018-11-16INTERJECTIONS $600: Often used mockingly, it's 2 rhyming words synonymous with turning on the tears boo hoo
#7865, aired 2018-11-16INTERJECTIONS $800: From French, it means "There it is!" voilĂ 
#7865, aired 2018-11-16INTERJECTIONS $1000: It's how the Oxford English Dictionary spells the 4-letter representation of the sound of a kiss M-W-A-H
#7777, aired 2018-06-05THE INTERJECTION SECTION $400: Expressing shock today, it's also a command to horses to stop whoa
#7777, aired 2018-06-05THE INTERJECTION SECTION $800: From Ireland, this interjection for "by God" is often paired with "faith" begorrah
#7777, aired 2018-06-05THE INTERJECTION SECTION $1200: After big plays, Yankees broadcaster Phil Rizzuto would often exclaim this 2-word beastly interjection holy cow
#7777, aired 2018-06-05THE INTERJECTION SECTION $1600: The French have "voila!"; we use this hyphenated word ending in "A" for the same purpose ta-da
#7777, aired 2018-06-05THE INTERJECTION SECTION $2000: An interjection meaning "way to go!", or any piece of encouragement; it can end in "girl" as well as "boy" atta
#7703, aired 2018-02-21INTERJECTIONS! $200: This exclamation over a chessboard means the game has been won checkmate
#7703, aired 2018-02-21INTERJECTIONS! $600: "Forever & ever" is sandwiched between this one-word religious exclamation in the chorus of a Handel oratorio allelujah
#7703, aired 2018-02-21INTERJECTIONS! $800: Another name for Jupiter is in the interjection "by" this Roman god Jove
#7703, aired 2018-02-21INTERJECTIONS! $1000: Scarlett O'Hara used this favorite expression before "War, war, war. This war talk's spoiling all the fun at every party" fiddle-dee-dee
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S AN INTERJECTION! $200: In CB radio talk this numeric expression means "understood", good buddy! 10-4
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S IN INTERJECTION $400: To repeat a lesson's words from memory for the teacher recite
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S AN INTERJECTION! $400: It can mean to mend clothing, & not go all the way to damn! darn
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S AN INTERJECTION! $600: Letter/number lotto game! bingo
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S IN INTERJECTION $800: A personal quirk, or an involuntary muscle contraction a tic
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S AN INTERJECTION! $800: Exciting 3-letter palindromic audio term! wow
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S AN INTERJECTION! $1000: Fencing word used to acknowledge a rejoinder! touché
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S IN INTERJECTION $1200: It describes a withered old broomstick-riding woman a crone
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S IN INTERJECTION $1600: This term for a stupid person sounds like someone from a Greek isle a cretin
#7589, aired 2017-09-14IT'S IN INTERJECTION $2000: In printing books, a left-hand page is called a verso, and its other side is called this, from the Latin for "right" a recto
#7358, aired 2016-09-14INTERJECTING IN INTERJECTIONS $200: Add a letter to alas! & you get this word for an alternate name alias
#7358, aired 2016-09-14INTERJECTING IN INTERJECTIONS $400: Drat! gets an interjected letter & turns into this preliminary version of a speech draft
#7358, aired 2016-09-14INTERJECTING IN INTERJECTIONS $600: Amen! with 2 letters interjected becomes this medication, to help you sleep Ambien
#7358, aired 2016-09-14INTERJECTING IN INTERJECTIONS $800: Bam! gets hit with another letter & becomes this ethereal shaft beam
#7358, aired 2016-09-14INTERJECTING IN INTERJECTIONS $1000: With an interjection, dang! becomes this German literary word Drang
#6913, aired 2014-10-08INTERJECTIONS! $800: To mend a sock! darn!
#6913, aired 2014-10-08INTERJECTIONS! $1200: Gets rid of, like with corn! shucks!
#6913, aired 2014-10-08INTERJECTIONS! $1600: Several long-tailed critters of the family Muridae! rats!
#6913, aired 2014-10-08INTERJECTIONS! $2000: (Meaning nonsense) violin bows! fiddlesticks!

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