Jeopardy! Round, Double Jeopardy! Round, or Tiebreaker Round clues (5 results returned)

#9229, aired 2024-12-19INITIALS FROM GREEK GOD TO ROMAN GOD $400: E to C: As mommy, Aphrodite was out & Venus was in for these 2 li'l guys Eros & Cupid
#9229, aired 2024-12-19INITIALS FROM GREEK GOD TO ROMAN GOD $800: H to M: When the gods absolutely, positively needed something delivered overnight (or sooner!), they were the dudes to call Hermes & Mercury
#9229, aired 2024-12-19INITIALS FROM GREEK GOD TO ROMAN GOD $1200: D to B: With these 2, come for fruitfulness & vegetation, but stay for the wine & ecstasy Dionysus & Bacchus
#9229, aired 2024-12-19INITIALS FROM GREEK GOD TO ROMAN GOD $2000: A to M: A word to the wise--they were equal opportunity as war goddesses Athena to Minerva
#9229, aired 2024-12-19INITIALS FROM GREEK GOD TO ROMAN GOD $4,600 (Daily Double): H to J: These chief goddesses had their jealous moments in both civilizations Hera & Juno

Final Jeopardy! Round clues (0 results returned)

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